Pulsión is a dance and music perfomance that is born of the need to move, express and answer to the things that directly surround us, without any previous reflection nor intellectualize our acts. The impulse (pulsión) understood as a deep psychic energy that guides our behaviour without an ending and is delivered when it gets it. This performance is presented as a visual collage, where emotions, feelings and stimulus juxtapose and merge getting physic and sound shape.
Direction ANA CEMBRERO COCA Choreography and Dancers ANA CEMBRERO COCA and LIA CHAMILOTHORI Original Music JORGE PIQUER RODRÍGUEZ and NIL RAMOS Set design LA IGNORANCIA DANCE Lightning design SERGIO LOZANO PULIDO and LA IGNORANCIA Production LA IGNORANCIA DANCE FILM MUSIC with the support of La Nave del Duende (Spain) and Danscentrumjette (Belgium)
Technical Specifications
Genre DANCE PERFORMANCE Length 40min Music LIVE Country SPAIN and BELGIUM Year of production 2013
La Nave del Duende. Centro de gestión de recursos escénicos. Cáceres, SPAIN 2013.